Published Translations / Reviews
Translations / Reviews
Internet platform
Textbook of Clinical Radiology.
Martin Breitenseher, Peter Pokieser. University Publisher Horn, 2013.
Harald Kittler, Facultas Verlag 2012
MRI of the knee.
Josef Kramer. University Publisher 2012
Ultrasound of the Abdomen.
Alexander Sachs. University Publisher 2012.
The Masticatory Organ.
Rudolf Slavicek. Gamma Medizinisch-Wissenschaftliche Fortbildungs-AG, Klosterneuburg, Austria, 2002.
Internet platform
Clinical manifestations and mechanisms of skin reactions after systemic drug administration
Werner Aberer, Birger Kränke. Drug Discovery Today Disease Mechanisms, 2008;5e237-e247.
Chip Fractures of the Triquetrum
Karl Höcker and A.Menschik, Traumatological Hospital Meidling, Vienna.
Published with an acknowledgement of the translator in the Journal of Hand Surgery (European Edition), Vol. 19 B, October 1994.
Das Weiß-Buch über Aus und Fortbildung
International Federation for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Commission for Postgraduate Education.
Published with an acknowledgement of the translator in the Austrian Journal of Physical Medicine (Österreichische Zeitschrift für Physikalische Medizin), Volume 4, Number 1, February 1994.
Wallstents for the Treatment of Malignant Ureteral Obstruction – Midterm Results
Herbert Lugmayr, Department of Radiology, Krankenhaus Grieskirchen, Upper Austria.
Published with an acknowledgement of the translator in Radiology 1996, Volume 198, Number 1, page 105-108.
Iliac Angioplasty, Stents and Thrombolysis
Friedrich Olbert (University Clinic of Radiology, Vienna).
Published at the convention “Diagnostic Imaging in Salzburg, 12th Annual European Meeting”, October 10-15, 1994.
Early Detection of Anastomotic Leaks After Low Anterior Resection of the Rectum
Karl Miller et al, LKA Salzburg.
Accepted for publication with an acknowledgement of the translator in Diseases of the Colon and Rectum (1996).
The Mythology of Hormone Replacement Therapy
Beda W.Hartmann, Johannes C.Huber.
Published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, February 1997, Vol. 104, pp. 163-168
Plantar Pressure Distribution After Resection of the Metatarsal Heads in Rheumatoid Arthritis
P.Bitzan, A. Giurea, A. Wanivenhaus. Published in Foot and Ankle International, Vol.18, No.7, July 1997.
As to the clastogenic-, sister-chromatid exchange inducing- and cytotoxic activity of inosine triphosphate in cultures of human peripheral lymphocytes
Walter Vormittag, Werner Brannath. Mutation Research 476 (2001) 71-81
2D-finite element analyses and histomorphology of lag screws with and without a biconcave washer
P. Schuller-Götzburg, Ch. Krenkel, T.J. Reiter, H. Plenk Jr. Journal of Biomechanics 32 7(1999) 511-520
A harmful aid to stopping smoking
Ernest Groman, Gerda Bernhard, Doris Blauensteiner, Ursula Kunze. The Lancet, Saturday 6 February 1999, Vol. 353, No. 9151, Pages 466-467
Supralaryngeal tubeless combined high-frequency jet ventilation for laser surgery of the larynx and trachea
G. Ihra, C. Hieber, C. Schabernig, P. Kraincuk, S. Adel, W. Plöchl, A. Aloy. British Journal of Anaesthesia 83 (6): 940-2 (1999)
Transesophageal Echocardiographic Assessment of Right Heart Hemodynamics During High-Frequency Jet Ventilation
Gerald Ihra, Nikolai Kolev, Dieter Zakel, Anton Kepka, Christa Schabernig, Alexander Aloy. Journal of Clinical Anesthesia 11:32-38, 1999
The incidence of hyperthyroidism in Austria from 1987 to 1995 before and after an increase in salt iodization in 1990
Adolf Mostbeck, Guenther Galvan, Peter Bauer et al. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine. Vol. 25, No. 4, April 1998
Studienbuch Magnetfeldtherapie
Christian Thuile, published in 2001 by Biomedic Media AG, St. Gallen, Austria.
Sonographic management of infantile clavicular fractures
E. Blab, W. Geißler, A. Rokitansky, Pediatric Surgery International (1999) 15: 251-254.
The effectiveness of intrauterine insemination in couples with sterility due to male infertility with and without a woman’s hormone factor
Edith Rammer and Florian Friedrich, Fertility and Sterility, Vol. 69, No. 1, January 1998.
Microcirculation in venous ulcers and the surrounding skin: findings with capillary microscopy and a laser Doppler imager
M.E. Gschwandtner, E. Abrozy, S. Fasching, A. Willfort, B. Schneider, K. Böhler, U. Gaggl and H. Ehringer, European Journal of Clinical Investigation (1999), 29, 708-716
Anatomie und Kinematik der Sprunggelenke des Menschen
M.L. Pretterklieber, Radiologe 1999, 39:1-7.
Evaluation of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (Filgrastim) in infected diabetic foot ulcers
T. Kästenbauer, B. Hörnlein, G. Sokol, K. Irsigler, Diabetologia 2003 46: 27-30.
Furthermore: Submissions for marketing authorization of medical products (SPC’s, instructions for use, all aspects of a submission) for pharmaceutical companies; clinical trials (pharmaceutical companies), instructions for use, and other texts for medical-technical companies.