



Detailed Editing

General information


The price for a translation is calculated according to the guidelines of the Translators’ Association of Austria. It is based on the so-called price per line. A standard line consists of 55 characters (including blank spaces).

An example:
Your file (original text for translation) has 25,433 characters. This is how you find out the number of characters in your file. You open the file in Word, click “Extras” in the Function bar, select “Word count”. Here you find a number adjacent to “Characters including blank spaces” – this number is used for the purpose of calculation.

In the above example, 25,433 divided by 55 (a standard line) is 462.4 lines (rounded to 463). Assuming we fixed a price of 1.50 € per line, your translation will cost about 694.50 € plus VAT. Note: the price per line is binding but the number of lines in the final translation is an estimate.

From our offer you will know the estimated total number of lines in the translation. Thus you have a binding price for both parties before you give us the job.

However, we will be glad to provide a flat rate for your translation if you wish.


When we edit your paper we check it carefully in regard of grammar, style, syntax, the repetitive use of words, etc. For detailed information please refer to the page entitled „Editing“.

We usually take 3 to 4 hours for a 12- to 15-page manuscript. A brief case report may take just 2 hours.

Detailed Editing

Detailed editing includes a study of the published literature on your subject and the modification of your paper to the requirements of the target journal.

A 12- to 15-page manuscript may take about 4 to 5 hours.

General information

Professional discretion:
The translator will handle the information and documents provided by the client confidentially. However, the translator may consult qualified persons to clarify technical terms.

Person to be contacted in case of queries:
The client must name at least one person in his organization who may be contacted by the translator if the latter has queries regarding the text. This person must be qualified to answer the questions. If the client does not mention a person or if the named person cannot be contacted despite several attempts, Medical Translation may clarify the points in question externally (while ensuring professional discretion as far as possible) or may deliver the translation along with the ambiguous points. These points will be listed in a separate letter and sent to the client.

Form of delivery:
All translations will be delivered as a Word file (or any other format) via e-mail. If desired we can also deliver a hard copy (on a CD) or a printout free of cost. You will have to bear the expenses of long fax deliveries or express delivery.

The delivery date will be agreed upon in writing when the job is assigned. If we anticipate a delay, we will inform you of the same as early as possible and get your consent. Delays in delivery will have no consequence on the price.
Conditions of payment: The provided services and incurred expenses will be invoiced immediately after the work is done. The invoice is payable within 14 days of issue with no deductions. Regular bank interest rates will be charged in case of delay in payment. For large and/or prolonged projects, an advance payment may be agreed upon at the start of the project. Further intermediate payments will be agreed upon in writing before the job is started.

Value Added Tax:
Our services are subject to 20% value added tax. If you do not reside in Austria the following applies: If the invoice is issued in favor of a commercial enterprise we issue the invoice without VAT after the client has provided his value added tax number (Umsatzsteueridentifikationsnummer). However, if the recipient of the invoice is a private person the invoice will be issued with VAT. International billing rules apply to clients residing abroad.


We look forward to your inquiry